Learn more about Peg.

Hi!  My name is Peg.  I guess you could say that I am the first Magic Power Scout.  Here are some of my journal entries complete with pictures for the "Magic Power Scouts: First Adventure!"  I hope you enjoy them.

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     Not far from where you live, is an Enchanted World. You may have passed by this magical place and not even known it. For it is hidden beyond an average looking row of trees you probably walk by on your way to school each day. Maybe you never give them a second thought, after all they don't look all that magical. They are just trees. Well if you ventured into them you might stumble into this magical world just as my friends Cathy, Benny and Doug did. They had no idea that an incredible adventure was taking place.

Under the moon in this magical forest I walked with my grandmother, Myrtle. She wears a floppy cap and a shawl. Her back is kind of crooked and if you said she looked like a witch you'd be right, because she is a witch; a good witch. I tagged along behind her trying to keep up. My name is Peg and I'm eight years old. Some people have said I'm a tomboy. Can I help it if I just happen to like to do a lot of things boys like to do?
     Anyhow, it seemed like hours ago that we had left Myrtle's quaint little cottage, when really it had only been about thirty minutes. At the time I didn't quite understand where we were going in such a hurry. Suddenly, my grandmother stopped and turned to me sympathetically.

     She explained that we were on a very important mission to rescue The Big Book of Magic. I had heard of this book before. Inside of it were all kinds of incredible magic spells. You see I haven't always lived with my grandmother. Until a few weeks ago I lived with my mom and dad in the Enchanted Village. My father was the guard at the Magic Overlook. His job was to make sure that the magnificent Big Book of Magic remained safely there. Now you may be wondering how "big" The Big Book of Magic is? Well, it is a little smaller than the mattress you sleep on at night - but much, much heavier.

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