
The following  were sent in by Dawn, Mason, Liana, and Bill.  Thanks for sharing guys!

funzonesmall.gif (8050 bytes)

Learn more about Benny.

q.gif (898 bytes)  Why did the boy blush when he opened the fridge?

a.gif (822 bytes)  Because he saw the salad dressing.


q.gif (898 bytes)   What kind of psychiatrist does a duck go to?


a.gif (822 bytes)   A Quack!


q.gif (898 bytes)   What kind of music did the pilgrims like? 


a.gif (822 bytes)  Plymouth Rock.


q.gif (898 bytes)  What side of the turkey has the most feathers?


a.gif (822 bytes)   The outside.


q.gif (898 bytes)   What do you get from a pampered cow?


a.gif (822 bytes)   Spoiled milk.


q.gif (898 bytes)   What's orange and keeps falling off walls?


a.gif (822 bytes)   Humpty Pumpkin.


q.gif (898 bytes)  Why does a cow wear a bell?


a.gif (822 bytes)   Because its horns don't work.


q.gif (898 bytes)   What do you get when you cross a snowman with a vampire?


a.gif (822 bytes)   Frostbite.


q.gif (898 bytes)   Why do fish live in salt water?


a.gif (822 bytes)   Because pepper makes them sneeze!


q.gif (898 bytes)  Why did the chicken cross the road?

a.gif (822 bytes)   He didn't want to go to the BBQ.


q.gif (898 bytes)  What do you call a sheep with no legs?

a.gif (822 bytes)  A cloud.


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